The coal mine

A personal blog for devtime stories.

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Ren’Py is a free and open-source game engine used to create visual novels.

Ren’Py Games

Colors The first Ren'Py game I worked on. I developed all minigames and worked on some menus. Where are you, Cinderella?
Code and menu fixes and advanced animations/transitions support.
Ren'Py extensions demo Technical demo/tutorial 'game' for the implementation of extensions with Ren'Py. Click here for the blog post version
Tutoriel Ren'Py Supporting slides for a short workshop on Ren'Py presented in french. The repository is available here

Ren’Py extensions

Spirited Sprite manager used to easily produce 'advanced' visual effects in Ren'Py (follow the link for documentation and visuals). Learn how the documentation and its visuals are generated. Demotools Command-line-based extension used to automate sequences display and screen captures. Used to automatically update the gifs visible in Spirited's documentation at release-time. Epic Games EOS SDK Adds support for the Epic Games EOS SDK to Ren'Py Extension Loader Guaranty extensions load order for Ren'Py 7.5.3/8.0.3 and lower (later Ren'Py versions support it by default)